English Bridle (OAK BARK TANNED)
The classic equestrian leather renowned for its strength and durability. The English bridle is very hard wearing and develops a deep patina over time. It has a slick surface and is naturally coated with tallows (natural wax) when fresh. This leather is an excellent choice for goods requiring extra durability.
This bridle leather is produced by J&FJ Baker tannery renowned for their oak bark tannage. Each leather undergoes a 12 month tanning period which is a required process to produce leathers with the highest quality of strength. The slow tanning process is very gentle on the fibers, resulting in a supple leather with superior tensile strength and durability. They are the last tannery in the UK to continue the tradition of oak bark tanning.
English bridle colour swatch.
Tannery: J&FJ Baker & Co (United Kingdom).
Temper: Medium. Supple but structured.
Surface: Slick with traces of tallows (natural wax) when fresh.
Tanning: Oak bark tanned (veg tan).
Patina: To be tested.
Other notes: Very durable and hard wearing. Traditionally used by equestrians for saddles and harness. Has a very distinct woody aroma.
product samples and gallery
English bridle detail.
London colour and dark stain.
English bridle - black.
English bridle - dark havana.
English bridle - London colour.